Though “pink it and shrink it” was the predominant ideology when women-specific gear first arrived the scene a few decades ago, many companies in the climbing industry have caught on that wheeze, not all females are the same. Skittles-inspired colors, wonky sizing and cuts, and floral patterns are (mostly) a thing of the past. Whether you’re just breaking into the sport or simply looking to upgrade tired gear, these women’s climbing gears are a solid place to start.
Here are the Top 5 Rock Climbing Gear for Women:
Table of Contents
Why Rock Climbing Shoes are Important?
Rock Climbing Shoes Most climbers will accept that having a good pair of rock shoes that are suitable for the climbing you plan to do is the first thing you should buy when starting to purchase rock climbing gear. Selecting out the right rock climbing shoes for women can be an intimidating mission.

Rock shoes must fit tight for improved performance but it must be relaxed enough that you can really put them on your feet for a few climbing. There are numerous categories of shoes with lots of small variations and alterations between different replicas. The main thing you want to understand is the sort of climbing and kind of rock you will almost certainly be climbing. If the climbing you do differs amongst a lot of rock types and spans of climbs then select a more common shoe. If you mostly climb vertical or pocketed routes, climbing shoes with a downturned toe will be helpful for women.
Climbing Harness Are Crucial
Climbing Harness A decent quality harness can make or break a climbing day; I choose a sensibly simple harness with the main features and not a lot of additions is best for women. Several of the big companies are now making harnesses with pre-threaded buckles. I’ll recommend using the Black Diamond Momentum DS it has 2 initially threaded buckles on the waist belt for a lot of adjusting options. The 2 buckles help for quick on and off. The leg loops also come with adjustable in case wearing covers or thighs raise from cycling too much! Make sure you get one with a decent amount of stuffing and at least 4 gear loops.
Why Climbing Helmet is Key Part of Climbing Gears?
Climbing Helmet is a key part of the equipment that a lot of climbers miss. The new helmets are ultra-light and stylish and will to help defend you from both rock and other things dropping from overhead. They also will defend you if you smash your head in a fall of some sort. A lot of climbers overlook how chances are to hit your head in a climbing fall, even if the system is occupied properly. My suggested helmet for women climbers is the Black Diamond Vapor Helmet. Like several helmets or other climbing gear, change it when damaged or extreme wear occurs.
What are Belay and Rappel?
Belay and Rappel is a simple cylindrical style device will do the trick. The newer ones come with extra grooves for stopping power are nice and the ones with a “guide mode” like the Petzl Reverso are key if you consider to multi-pitch or belay from above (they aren’t great for dropping so ensure you recognize how they work). If you desire to get a basic workhorse to think through the Trango Pyramid. There are belay devices for women’s and for men’s with “braking assist” features that are certainly fine but more expensive and complex to use.
Why I need Climbing Rope in My Climbing Gear Pack?
Climbing Rope clearly a very crucial element of any climbing gear system. By expansions in expertise, ropes have become thinner, more wear resilient and yes more expensive. A good typical rope is 60m in length and 9.8mm in diameter. You can have a longer rope (70m) if you expect long climbing in a place like El Potrero Chico or go shorter (35m) if you climb in a location like central Texas wherever most rock routes are short. Whatever length you select think of you have to tow that rope with yourself and it must be properly to the area(s) you climb in. You should have 9.8mm to be the perfect width for durability, control, and weight.